On March 2022, Canada launched the Canada-Ukraine authorization for emergency travel (CUAET)
program as a relief measure allowing Ukrainians escaping the war in their home country to come to
Canada. From March, 2022 to March, 2024, the date the program ended, Slavic United Network (SUN)
has been able to help over 250 Ukrainians, adults and children, begin a new chapter of their life in the
We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to the many local organizations, companies, schools,
churches, individuals and volunteers, who have supported SUN in welcoming Ukrainian newcomers to
our community. Without your support, donations and love displayed in action it would be impossible to
provide comfort and hope to those whose lives have been radically changed by the war. Together, as a
community, we were able to meet and greet many families at the airport, find housing (hosts and
rentals), furnish homes with donated furniture, make beds with donated bedding and sheets, fill
cupboards and closets with dishes, pots, towels and clothing, and fill refrigerators with food. Many
newcomer families received gift cards that helped them purchase groceries, clothing and toiletries.
Children and families received Christmas gifts and children were able to go to school with school
supplies because someone paid for it. The outpouring of love, compassion and support we have seen,
have been absolutely remarkable!
Unfortunately the war is not over, but the number of newcomers has significantly decreased since the
closing of the CUAET program on March 31st, 2024 by the Federal Government. At this time, SUN will
gear down its support for newcomers and continue supporting the newcomers that have already arrived
based on our resources.
Once again, we are grateful to have had the opportunity to serve alongside so many generous, kind, and
caring people in this community! Thank you!
Slavic United Network Volunteers